Laura Hudson

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© Portrait of Laura Hudson courtesy of Rachel Ara

Interview with Laura Hudson by Catherine Wynne-Paton, published Assemblage Magazine, August 2020

Catherine approached me during Covid-19 lock-down because she wanted to talk to and write about artists and how we were all dealing with the situations we were finding ourselves in.

Conducted over video call (Catherine in Wales myself in London) the conversation became the starting point for an interview on a shared GDoc that went on to be published by Assemblage Fine Art Magazine.

Here’s a sneak peek: “What I gained was not to be afraid of returning to the things that ‘prick’ - you might not know why initially but when something does there’s a reason to excavate that feeling. To be open to the underneath that is possible in painting - it's not linear like film (my previous medium) but has an all-at-once-ness - a vertical time - the kairos rather than chronos.” LH