Nail House Grid

Nail Houses are an ongoing series inspired by architectural holdouts where people refuse to move for the wrecking ball.  

Nail House Grid [12 x 25x30cm paintings] 130x110cm,  2018

Nail House Grid [12 x 25x30cm paintings] 130x110cm,  2018

Based on drawings that mediate between the digital photograph and the process of painting, a simple line excludes the superfluous in search of common ground. Corporate bullies excavate around buildings, ring fence, and cut power to them;  turning homes into mountaintop forts or moated castles under siege. Set adrift in razed communities, these structures become monuments to resistance and to the people who stand ground. Using a paired down pallet of black, white and cadmium yellow, I am trying to find a place where the forms can sit unanchored, as towering blocks or familiar items that might be picked up in the hand. Nothing is clear-cut on contested ground. The paintings become nails that stick out and cannot be hammered down, resilient to erasure or invisibility.