What we are Most Afraid of Has Already Happened
What we are Most Afraid of Has Already Happened,
Laura Hudson, oil on calico [90x140cm] 2019
This painting could also be called Fingers Crossed. We take all kinds of precautions against danger, none of them really offer us much protection but as a matter of faith we adopt them and try to protect ourselves and each other. Once you believe one thing it is easier to believe another so that we feel safer, but what if the things we are most afraid of have already happened. In Fingers Crossed a single figure wears a deep sea or astro-helmet, one arm infected and heading to the heart of the matter, one arm bandaged with a swim float. The figure stands in an unreal space or non-space - its fingers are crossed. The body is half submerged in water with intestines visible and feet sticking out hoping for dry land - it’s a strange one.